so, another great boston comic con last weekend - a new venue (which, while much bigger, just wasn't big enough for the fantastic turnout they had) and a stellar guest list (mike mignola, jim lee, eric powell, jim starlin just to name a few) - along with having super cool pal kelly yates come up and visit for the show, great food and a chance to hang out in the city with woodall and booth boy extraordinaire brian, all made for a great time...
did plenty of sketching and signing at the show, and did only 2 extra pieces the night before to bring - a kim possible (i'll post that one next time) and batman beyond (even after all this time, i still dig drawing the character and i'm looking forward to the new book)
still working hard on herOes (issue 1 should be out soon) and getting a bit of headway into the next haps pages, finally...
i'm sure there's more to post about, like tv (the mini series the pacific's been fantastic on hbo, lost is crazy good, 24 is shaping up to go out in style...), movies (stll laughing thinking about some parts of hot tub time machine... although i imagine it'll be on dvd in, what, a few weeks?), music (new stuff from robyn hitchcock, black francis, and barenaked ladies) and the ipad (still loving it!), but i've gotta get back to work, so...