even with looming deadlines and more than a few commissions to get through (fyi - gambit, mary marvel, domino, jack sparrow, gwen stacy are all coming soon... well, relatively soon), sometimes i just wanna do something for the simple reason that i want to...
one of my favorite dc books of the last several years (which was cancelled WAY too soon, alas) was stars and stripes (written by geoff johns with fantastic art by lee moder)... great fun all around. courtney (star spangled kid... or is it star girl now?) went on to become a member of the jsa, so at least she's still around...
and onto other things...
-response to perhapanauts - second chances #1 has been good... and i think it only gets better (not just because of a certain security team member in issue 2...)
-already lining up some great talented folks for pin ups in the next trade... just wait!
-should be getting the finished choopie sculpt soon (then it's on to casting a few copies so i can share the fun)
-patriots just steamrolled over minnesota last night (although there were some calls in their favor, the pats clearly were gonna dominate)
-heroes continues to be a fun ride as the story unfolds (stupid tivo cut off the last minutes....d'oh! and was anybody really surprised by the twist with the neighbor? i've been waiting weeks for that to happen...)
-hellboy cartoon on cartoon network was hellafun (again, stupid tivo- or more likely the networks - cut off the beginning)... loved a lot about it, thought it looked fantastic for a tv animation budget... i'm sure it'll flow better on dvd (coming in feb 07) without all of cn's seemingly arbitrary commercial breaks...
-been rewatching the second season of the office on dvd...just gets better (and more painful)... and some of the deleted scenes are priceless... they really spotlight some of my favorite characters like creed and toby (by FAR my favorite character on the show, hands down)
-had a fun time at the halloween party this weekend with all the kids (and reff as otto, of course) in costume...funny how our parties have changed in the last few years...
well, i'm sure there's more, but i gotsta get back to work... plenty to do before the baby arrives.
(what i'm listening to as i type this... achtung baby -u2)