both bands put on great shows (if i had to choose, i'd say i dug the bosstones better, but that's me... but clearly a lot of folks were there to see the dropkicks tear it up ... heck, to a good chunk of the audience the bosstones would be classic rock... ugh)...
and besides that show, it's been work, work work (mj and haps are chugging along) ... oh, and running up to the imax theater north of boston to see the preview of "the dark knight"... wow. i've certainly made no bones about my dislike for plenty of the first movie, but this was in a whole 'nother class. fantastic, brutal, thrilling, chilling, action-packed, poignant, character-driven, perfectly acted... you name it. practically everything was note perfect - the batman, harvey dent, gordon, the joker...i won't spoil anything, but man-o-man, was this the movie i was hoping to see... (and believe me, i wasn't expecting it to be as good as the hype)... and in imax, it was even more intense (not to mention the fact that this imax theater has subwoofers in the seats so you could feel the tumbler roaring down the streets of gotham)...
so, in keeping with the dark knight, here's the second mini-comic for general mills... (after seeing the movie i'm kinda surprised they wanted these as cartoony as they did... )

well, of course i told you this already, but you've made this jaded, cynical almost-had-enough batman fan eager to see this new one! can't wait actually.
and while i had seen these pages, i hadn't seen them in color! sweet! nice work there, mr. rousseau!
thanks for sharing!
Great pages.
I'll be seeing "The Dark Knight" today, so these pages are just adding to my bat-mood.
Carol Ann has expressed some interest in seeing DK, so I might be getting out to this one sooner rather than later.
nice looking stuff c!
while i will see it, i'm kinda tired of all the hype behind it, but that is some fine work there man!
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