Monday, November 22, 2010

alien jungle girl

realized 2011 is right around the corner, and that means starting to figure out convention appearances (besides the tried and true heroescon, boston and baltimore comic cons )... todd and i really enjoyed the emerald city comicon a few years ago, so we started asking around... and now, it's our first convention of the year.

the last few years, show organizer and super cool cat, jim demonakis has put together a killer art book for the the show... and here's my "monsters and dames" piece (wish i had more time to color it, but tight deadlines and all that...)

speaking of deadlines, back to the korvac saga before turkey day gobbles up more work time (ahahaha, see what i did there with "gobble"? yeah, it was pretty bad, i know...)


Tuesday, November 16, 2010

cap and the korca saga covers

so, not sure if i've posted any of these, but here's the first 3 covers (colored by chris sotomayor) for the 4 issue mini series starting in december, written by ben mccool and colored by rachelle rosenberg (issue 3 was just solicited for the february releases... guess i better get cracking!)... having a blast on this book, not only with the interiors but covers as well (a first for me at marvel... except for that cover to her-oes 1)

being an all ages, continuity free series, i've been given free reign on how these characters look... since i'm an old school fan, i kept the looks mostly classic avengers... but we did decide to push korvac past the lakers purple/yellow look on the cover to 3...

-c (gotta get to work if i'm gonna wactch "sons of anarchy" in a bit)

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

legends of the mouse guard

back from a great show in ohio... while i was there, i did some sketching, we sold plenty ofperhapanauts swag (pins, books, t-shirts and prints) and i signed plenty of books... one of which i hadn't had a chance to see yet - the sweet hardcover collection of legends of the mouse guard (super cool creator and all-around great guy david petersen had some on hand before it's officially released this week)... be sure to pick it up for great stuff from plenty of talented folks like david, guy davis, jeremy bastian, katie cook and many more... and me)

and oddly, seems like the individual issue my story was in (issue 4) hits store NEXT week.
