...great outing by schilling tonight for the sox (even with giving up three home runs)...
been working hard on the first issue of the next 'haps mini, but i've also had some time to get to other things -
- 'haps promo stuff for the summer conventions and beyond
- redesigning the 'haps site (including the guest artist pin-up gallery)
- updating my site
- doing a few canson sketches (i was planning on just bringin' 'm to charlotte, but figured why not post'm on the site in the art for sale section as well for all the folks who aren't going ... so head on over to see what's new) ... i'll be getting to do a few more of these, so if there's something you've been itching to get, drop me a line and get on the list!
- building some bookcases to use as built-ins under the eaves in the studio room...
okay, back to work...
really enjoying this season of "rescue me" on fx (always love me a good denis leary show... man, i miss "the job") and looking forward to this week's return of "deadwood" on hbo...
Awesome Wolverine Craig. His facial expression Reminds me a bit of me during Beckett's meltdown the other night.
As for the Big Schill, what can you say. The man didn't let the 3 dingers bother him and once Varitek got him the lead, he came out and shut them down. He also came up big by going 8 and saving the walking wounded that is our bull pen for this weekend's 4 games in 3 days series with the Rangers.
Can't believe the bad luck we're having in the injury department this year. Almost as bad as the Yankees. I was telling the Mrs. the other day that if they get one more injury they're going to have to change the name from the Red Sox to the Red Cross.
Well you both should have tried sitting through the 5 hour rain delay we suffered through on Saturday afternoon. We left Springfield at 9:30 am and didn't get home until friggin' 1:00 am on Sunday. Sucked. Red Sox hosed us. FREE friggin' hot dogs that were gone in 15 minutes and I don't like hot dogs. The beer vendors were happy, they had so many drunks roaming around I don't think they felt the wet, cold gale that was coming in off of left field. High points of the day...seeing that there really are tomatoe plants in the Red Sox bullpen and hi-fiving Wally on the way out.
CR, BTW, can we talk about a Canson piece by you of my SunLord character? Let me know if I have to give up the first born.
Mark M
Yeah, I have to admit that rain delays are a lot easier to take from my living room then from the concourse behind homeplate.
gah, thats horrible, mark...
first born... nah. email me and we'll talk.
done deal...look for an e-mail this week.
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