ordering info is up at the site...
canson color paper sketches volume one
enjoy the weekend!
Friday, July 28, 2006
Thursday, July 27, 2006
back from san diego!

had a great time, but... man, is that a big show...
completely overwhelming ( i had my laptop with me so i was able to read what actually happened at the show since you can't take most of it in there)...
always a pleasure to meet artists whose work you dig (like david peterson of mouseguard fame, who did me a sweet sketch i'll post to the site next update), tad stones (hellboy animated producer and all around cool cat), jonboy meyers, and way too many more to mention... and that's not even taking into account seeing those guys you get to see a few times a year at shows like this...
but now i'm home, hard at work on the 'haps and other stuff... speaking of which, todd and i got preview copies of the trade this week... and i couldn't be happier! can't wait for y'all to get a chance to see it.
(and speaking of the trade, saw wizard reviewed it this month and gave it a fairly good write-up with a nod to a saturday morning cartoon feel, but only a B- ... and complained that "nothing's wrong with fun-loving stories, but from the softened fight scenes to the somewhat overly-sentimental dialogue, hardcore horror fans should beware - you won't find buckets of blood in these pages." ookay, so technically they were boxes of blood, so they've got us on that point... and um, yeah, hardcore horror fans might find a bit lacking in AN ALL AGES BOOK... kinda like complaining there's not enough nudity in disney films... dunno what they'd be expecting, really... anyway, back to the blog)
got my sketchbooks in, and they look fantastic (much thanks, rico!)... i'll post ordering info next week... in the meantime, that's a sample spread above to give you an idea what it's like...
okay, back to work...
whati'm listening to as i type this... plastic s\seat sweat - southern culture on the skids
Friday, July 14, 2006
new stuff!!

so, figured i'd try and get at least one more post before the madness that is ... san diego comic con...
before i get into all the random comics stuff, a few quick things...
...the sox'd be completely screwed without papelbon.... i mean, come on, taveras?
... could deadwood be any better this season? (and for that mater, rescue me?) although i've learned the hard way to turn off hbo right after the always entertaining entourage - lucky louie = shudder.
... screw on head makes for a damn fine (and rightly odd) cartoon over at scifi.com (vote to make this one an ongoing show, folks)
okay, i'll be finished with the first issue of the second 'haps series before i go (should be in this month's previews) so i can enjoy myself out there (and pimp the book to anyone that'll listen... usually, i leave that to todd, but since he's not going...)
i'll be bringing the promo postcards for both the trade and the new mini, along with the soon to be infamous, hit of the heroescon "choopie butt card" ... and doing a signing at the dark horse booth friday from six to seven...
besides wandering the ginormous convention center picking up cool sketch books and the like, most of my time will be spent at the beckett table in the image booth helping out and promoting THE COBBLER'S MONSTER, which hit shelves this week! (and thanks fort he compliments, brian!)
i'll also have a few copies of my old sketchbooks to sell.... along with the limited BRAND NEW CANSON COLOR SKETCHBOOK! ( a manageable size of 4x5.5 full of 42 color images...) for those who aren't going, i'll have ordering info on the site when i get back...)...
anywhoo, if i don't post early next week... i might see you in san diego.
i might even try and post from the road... we'll see.
(what i'm listening to as i type this... songs for goldfish - ben folds)
Wednesday, July 5, 2006
back from charlotte!
... had a great time at one of my favorite shows. plenty of time to hang out with 'ringo and todd and scott (heck, we probably coulda just skipped the show and hung out all weekend and had just as much fun...) and catch up with folks i see once or twice a year (always a good time at the bar, and was great to just hang out with ralph and shoot the breeze), not to mention getting a chance to see "superman returns" ... wow.
jeff amano had some advance copies of the cobbler's monster, so i got a chance to see the final product (damn, wayne and guilia made my stuff look good!)...
was glad to keep real busy sketching ALL weekend (right up until 5.30 on sunday.... phew) doing both black/white and canson color pieces (wish i had scans of 'm to post, some came out pretty good...) for plenty of great folks and friends...
did manage to get up and check out some of the art around the show... always inspiring/intimidating seeing all that great work... but it was great motivation to get back to the 'haps... which is where i'm heading right now! (not to mention todd and i talked a few folks into doing pin-ups for the next trade... and beyond!)
hope everybody had a good fourth (and wasn't TOO crazy, ray)
- c
jeff amano had some advance copies of the cobbler's monster, so i got a chance to see the final product (damn, wayne and guilia made my stuff look good!)...
was glad to keep real busy sketching ALL weekend (right up until 5.30 on sunday.... phew) doing both black/white and canson color pieces (wish i had scans of 'm to post, some came out pretty good...) for plenty of great folks and friends...
did manage to get up and check out some of the art around the show... always inspiring/intimidating seeing all that great work... but it was great motivation to get back to the 'haps... which is where i'm heading right now! (not to mention todd and i talked a few folks into doing pin-ups for the next trade... and beyond!)
hope everybody had a good fourth (and wasn't TOO crazy, ray)
- c
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