so, figured i'd try and get at least one more post before the madness that is ... san diego comic con...
before i get into all the random comics stuff, a few quick things...
...the sox'd be completely screwed without papelbon.... i mean, come on, taveras?
... could deadwood be any better this season? (and for that mater, rescue me?) although i've learned the hard way to turn off hbo right after the always entertaining entourage - lucky louie = shudder.
... screw on head makes for a damn fine (and rightly odd) cartoon over at scifi.com (vote to make this one an ongoing show, folks)
okay, i'll be finished with the first issue of the second 'haps series before i go (should be in this month's previews) so i can enjoy myself out there (and pimp the book to anyone that'll listen... usually, i leave that to todd, but since he's not going...)
i'll be bringing the promo postcards for both the trade and the new mini, along with the soon to be infamous, hit of the heroescon "choopie butt card" ... and doing a signing at the dark horse booth friday from six to seven...
besides wandering the ginormous convention center picking up cool sketch books and the like, most of my time will be spent at the beckett table in the image booth helping out and promoting THE COBBLER'S MONSTER, which hit shelves this week! (and thanks fort he compliments, brian!)
i'll also have a few copies of my old sketchbooks to sell.... along with the limited BRAND NEW CANSON COLOR SKETCHBOOK! ( a manageable size of 4x5.5 full of 42 color images...) for those who aren't going, i'll have ordering info on the site when i get back...)...
anywhoo, if i don't post early next week... i might see you in san diego.
i might even try and post from the road... we'll see.
(what i'm listening to as i type this... songs for goldfish - ben folds)
I gotta get me one of those canson color sketchbooks. The cover looks oddly familiar! 42 images! Can't wait.
Also, thanks to that Choopie card, my 5-year-old has created the vaguely-offensive term "finger-butt"... pass my thanks along to Todd for that one!
- Bill
Those cards are a riot. I can see the headline now.
California Goes Crazy Over Cheekie Choopie!
Have a great time at SDCC.
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