realized i've never posted this image, so i figured now's a good a time as any...
here's the piece i was lucky enough to do for dusty abell's invincible handbook for image... (dusty's a cool cat who, after doing some fantastic stuff in comics a few years ago, has been spending most of his time working in animation, currently working on king of the hill)...
invincible (written by robert kirkman and fantastic art by ryan ottley) is currently one of (if not the) best superhero comics out there these days, so it was a treat to do a piece for this project (and the list of folks working on it is pretty damn impressive)...
random notes...
-perhapanauts #2 is out next week (perfect for an after turkey read)...
-looks like the second trade should be out for the convention season next year (just WAIT til we start getting some pin-ups to show)
- should have new pics of the finished choopie sculpt in the next few weeks as well...
- just lined up a fun dc licensing gig, which i'll share with y'all ... at some point.
- commissions are still moving along, so no worries...
what i'm listening to as i type this... augie deblieck's pipeline podcast with todd dezago!
Sweet Martian, Craig. I definitely would have spent less time bugging you in Baltimore if Ryan Ottley had been able to make it to that show. I was so looking forward to getting a Mary Marvel sketch from him then, but he had to cancel... Someday, I'm sure. I already have a really nice Spider-Girl he did for me, but we greedy bastards always crave more...
- Bill
Cool martian Craig and you are right about Ryan's work on the book. I was disappointed that he wasn't able to make it to Baltimore as I was hoping to get a piece from him. Maybe next year.
Great interview with Todd. As good as the news about Tellos getting the oversized hardcover treatment was - I'll be looking for that Rousseau pin-up - I was really psyched to hear that Todd and Mike will be doing a new Tellos graphic novel that should be out by around this time next year. It too should be out in time for con season.
2007 is looking like a good year for you guys.
Great Piece Craig! It's awesome to see more Invincible stuff from ya. If Ryan were to ever leave, I'd hope you'd be considered for the book!
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