yours truly will be doing a fill-in on an upcoming issue of x-men first class with jeff parker.... after about 10 years as a comic pro, this'll be my first "real" comic work for marvel (sure, i did a page in a saturday morning cd tie-in comic when i was just breaking in - thanks again, dana! - and x-men licensing art for the first movie... but this is the first job NOT for creative services)...
so, with all the work on the 'haps and now the first class issue (and a few other things), i can't imagine i'll have a lot of free time for a bit... so i'll leave you with a buncha marvel sketch cards i did recently for upper deck...

(but oh MY, was that a crazy football game last night... luck was clearly on new england's side at the end... but they managed the win)
Congrats on your first Marvel book work and I can think of only one guy who would be a better writer for your first project than Jeff.
Sounds like your going to be a busy guy over the holidays, though I hope you'll still be able to make it to Larry's show.
As for the Pat's, it may not have been a "great" game, but it was a great win.
P.S. Great job on the sketch cards.
That's awesome. I can't wait to see your First Class issue. You're a perfect fit for that book. Congrats!
And that cards look great. Nice work.
Congrats, Craig. It's about friggin' time somebody woke up over there.
Those cards are amazing. I, of course, love the Nova. You'd be great on an ongoing when they finally ditch that weird costume he's in now. But I think the Medusa is my favorite. The hair is just beautifully done.
This is great news-congrats!! I agree, though, took them long enough to realize you gots skills! haha...Can't wait to see what you crank out on the x-men, that book is one of my faves from the Marvel bunch. And my fave card-Moon Knight-nice work!
The first X-Men: First Class Special was an instant classic. Can't wait to see your contribution!
I like the LOgan, the Ant-Man and the Cap at the bottom!
Congrats on the X-Men assignment! It's a great series and you're a perfect fit for it.
Congrats on the X-Men assignment! It's a great series and you're a perfect fit for it.
I... I ... I must have that Beta Ray Bill!!!!
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