Monday, March 14, 2011

the times are a changin...

so, my last issue of captain america and the korvac saga just came out last week... and i'd say that's the last semi regular comics work you'll see from me on the stands for a bit... which isn't to say i'm not CRAZY busy!

besides getting ahead on the next arc of the 'haps (we want to have most in the can before soliciting for a fall 2011 start... issue 2 is underway and i've been designing away for characters who'll show up in stories by other folks and eventually in my main story) and the convention prints  - all 4 now available from the web store (we plan on new ones for boston comic con in april/may and heroescon in june), we're gearing up for an exciting new 'haps project, the perhapanauts motion comic from motionworks.

and on the non 'haps front, i'm mighty swamped with a pretty fun job for the next few months at least (which i'm not allowed to mention yet)...

had a great time in seattle at emerald city comic con - check out todd's blog for some pics! and here's a few sketches i did... (need to get a portable scanner for stuff like this)...

lots to do (crazy how quickly time's flying... gotta get ready for megacon next week!)

1 comment:

Bob Almond said...
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