so, trish and i had a night out on tuedsay and saw ben folds and his band in providence at lupo's (which moved a few years back to the strand... which, trish reminded me, is where we saw the reverend horton heat and the toadies on what was almost kinda sorta our first date 'lo those many years ago)...
a great show all around with a full 2 hour set (but standing around for 3+ hours in a jam packed sold out club made us realize why we don't go to shows too often anymore)...
got a LOT of pages left to get through to meet our deadline on cobbler's monster, but i'm confident we'll hit our deadline (wayne's been doing great stuff and giulia's colors are AMAZING!) looks like the image preview book will be available in philly and charlotte (i'll find out if they'll hit stores as well...)...
looking forward to getting back to the 'haps and commissions after this book (and hopefully the next book with beckett as well.... i enjoy working on the less than mainstream stuff after so many years of superheroes... although i'm getting the itch to do a 'hero book again - too bad almost every editor i've worked with at dc has moved on to hopefully greener pastures..)
got in david william's frickin' sweet pin-up for the 'haps trade and should be getting more any day... (i'll post it next week)
after seeing 'ringo's sweet scarlet witch on his site, i figured i'd post this one i did a while back but never got on the site...
back to work.
what i'm listening to as i type this - itunes originals - barenaked ladies
hey, rich -
sadly, no... family obligations... (and 44 pages to draw this month!)... wish i could go and meet eric... the goon rocks!
i've always loved this witch! your whole aria of marvel chicks on the canson paper is beautiful! and of course i'm double lucky 'cause i got your old computer with alla those files on here so i can look at 'em anytime i want! woo hoo!
(did i sound like it was braggin'...! sorry.)
Love the older style head piece on Wanda and
you did a great job on the colors for this piece.
44 pages in a month!!!! Holy Crap! :O
Gotta ask: are you already totally backlogged with commissions, or can I get on the list (if there is one)? I'd definitely be interested in getting something when your schedule allows...
Talk to you later,
- Bill
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