so, august seemed to have flown by pretty quickly, eh? figured i'd get one more post in before september rolls around...
well, deadwood and rescue me both had their season finales this week... wow (brian- not knowing any of the actual history of deadwood, i couldn't say for sure what was going to happen... but i figured it might end along those lines... and glad it did, actually ... goes to show the strength of the show without falling into the usual hollywood stuff ... glad we'll see at least a few more hours next year.... gonna miss it. a lot. ) and rescue me certainly ended on a "holy crap" moment (not to mention entourage)... at least the new fall season starts up soon (and yes, brian - i already have been sucked into the new season of prison break... )
had a good time at the frank black show earlier this month down at the beachcomber (thanks for asking, rich) ... it was just frank and his guitar (or in the case of six-sixty-six, not even a guitar)... while the performance itself was great, i couldn't believe how many people paid the ticket price to just go and drink, talk loudly and not even listen to the show... one of the most annoying shows in that sense... still say my favorite frank black show was with the catholics a few years back (at the call in providence)...
i'd talk about the red sox... but why kick'm when they're down ...
in the course of the last few weeks, i've managed to entirely gut our kitchen (with the help of a few friends), re-sheeetrock, paint, have new cabinets installed, appliances delivered... and work on the plumbing and put in our new ceiling fan... oddly, the last room we started work on will be the first to get finished... looking forward to the time when all the work on the house is done (well, i realize it's never "done", but at least it'll be little things, not trimming out windows and putting in floors)...
work on the 'haps is moving along nicely (issue 2 is in the new previews!) and todd heard the trade is on the way, so we'll have copies for baltimore next week! (really looking forward to hanging out and seeing everybody there.. and heading out to see my good friend booby get hitched on saturday as well)...
i'm sure there's more, but peep and the big wide world is over... and it's time for johnny and me to have breakfast...
and before i forget, that flash piece above is the other one i did for matt w.
Bah! Peep is on for another whole hour, isn't it? ;)
- Bill
ahhh, the wonder of tivo, my good man!
I love, love, love my Tivo as it permits me to go to instant replay for the Patriots as many times as I like.
As for Entourage, I cannot imagine the show without Ari so I fully expect him and the boys to hug it out next season.
On the subject of Prison Break, yeah the story lines are still out there, but so are the one's on Lost and 24 so I'm just going with the flow and enjoying the ride.
I went with a regular DVD recorder/burner with a hard drive instead of a Tivo. Doesn't automatically record things, but I've been programming VCRs long enough that I don't mind doing that. Love the timeslip feature, so I never watch anything 100% live any more. Start 15 minutes late and I can skip through all the commercials.
Of course, having this device also means I have every episode of the Doodlebops recorded on to DVDs. And I've been forced to watch Meet Blue's Baby Brother about 100 times since it originally aired a couple of weeks ago...!
- Bill
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