funny that in the nearly 100 canson paper pieces i've done over the years, i hadn't done ANY of the perhapanauts... (todd and i were talking about doing some covers like this in the futures, we'll see if that ever happens)...
besides the slew of canson pieces i'm working on, i've got a few pin-ups in the works (in trade for pin-ups for the second chances trade) and chugging away on the new project (hopefully i'll have news about it soon, for anyone that really cares)..
working on that dc licensing gig made me realize that i kinda miss doing straight up super hero stuff (gotta start talking to editors again, although nearly everyone i've worked with over the years has moved on to other jobs... and you know, i've NEVER worked on any marvel books, just creative service stuff), which is not to say i haven't enjoyed the variety of projects and styles over the years (heck, disney licensing gigs to harry johnson to kiss and tell to ronin hood to cobbler's monster to the 'haps... that's a WIDE range of subject matter and styles)
so, tv is back in full force these days (with a spectacular 2 hour comedy block on nbc last thursday... and great episodes of 24 (interesting family tree jack's got, eh?), heroes, rome, veronica mars, extras, battlestar galactica... whew!) and i'm starting to get a huge stack of audiobooks to listen to as well (i've started "the areas of my expertise" by john hodgeman aka pc from the mac commercials ... very dry, witty, and funny stuff a la mcsweeney's ... )
well, back to the drawing board.
what i'm listening to as i type this ... wincing the night away - the shins
Ha ha ha... you drew a freakin' canson Mento before you did any of the 'haps! That makes me smile...
You definitely need to work for Marvel someday. When Sean McKeever was looking for a replacement artist on Spider-Man Loves Mary Jane, I sent him an e-mail suggesting you because I thought you would do a great job on that title. Of course, probably a good thing that you didn't get that gig at this point, since the book will likely die now that he's jumping to DC.
Anyway, I certainly hope a mainstream superhero job is in your future. Nothing against any of the other stuff you've done, I just love me the superhero stuff.
Maybe if DC decides to do a real Shazam book again someday...
Great Choopie. As soon as I saw him I realized he was a natural for a green Canson piece. Let's see now, as for the rest, light blue for molly, milk chocolate brown for Arisa and Big and I guess I'd go with red for everyone's favorite man of mystery, MG. As for Officer Mulcahy, I'd say green like Choope because of his battle armor.
As for Marvel, I think you would kick arse on either Spider-Man or the Hulk and I for one am looking forward to hearing about that new project.
I've been meaning to ask you how you do the Canson drawings? Is it color pencil? Any ink on them?
Awesome! It's about time you did a canson of one of these guys!!
I heard "Phantom Limb" driving around the week before Christmas and was astounded at how brilliant and dense it was, is the rest of the album as good?!
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