todd and i have come with a sweet little package of 5 "lost" covers for the haps along with the letters pages to go along with'm...
this full-color high quality print set (thanks, rico) will be limited to only 50 copies... and on sale at the baltimore show! (if we have any left, we'll be selling'm on-line at some point)...
and since todd's already shown the cover for issue 36, here's another one for ya... issue 17! (todd told me i should post the prelims... but i realized i don't have any for this one...)

commissions are finally back on track after a slight detour into topps "heroes" sketch cards (funs stuff... but likenesses aren't my strong suit, so...i'll post a few of the better ones to show y'all - once i get approval, that is )... i'll be bringing a few cansons this weekend that folks have patiently been waiting for (gwen stacy! hula chickee! star girl! and more!) and should get though the rest after i get back from maryland...
...where we'll be seeing the first place (!?!) red sox play the orioles friday night...
and if you've read todd's blog, you'll know that this show will be awfully different (and a bit empiter) without 'ringo, but we'll all be doing our best to celebrate his career... and more importantly, celebrate his life.
alright... if i don't post again before i go, i'll see some of you in baltimore...
Stupid question: what's the size on these things? I may not be able to transport one home if it's too large. Traveling very light this weekend...
Can't wait for this weekend, those folios look great! I love the way you guy decided to model the trade dress for each issue on ones from other eras.
You guys gonna have any Perhapanauts trades for sale?
well, you TOLD me about the heroes cards, but damn, smitty! those things azre HOT!
love 'em--especially since sharon and i are only now catchin' it all on dvd! sweet job!
I hope you all of the success deserving you at the show and I hope that the Lost covers sell out but...we want them! How about a special run just for your Blog readers???
Hi Craig,
Wow, that 'haps cover is just outstanding! I love the color treatment, as well as the overall design! Very nice work! The cards look great too! (is that enough exclamation points...?)=)
Looking forward to seeing you later in Baltimore. Safe trip!
Awesome cover work there Craig!!!
Oh to see the original art in person. I hope they don't see out completely, I'd love to get me a set of those.
Keep the 'Haps happenin'!
Hey maybe I just coined a new phrase there.
Great 'lost' cover there and cool sketch cards! As your latest blog entry indicates the con was a great time had by all, and I'm glad for that. I hope your future endeavors means more 'Nauts may be on the horizon, eh buddy? :-)
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