lessee, besides that... oh, yeah...
the perhapanauts annual is out on stands! (and some stores might have even ordered enough copies to have an extra on the shelf...) still haven't seen in in person yet (my local shop DID order 10 copies, but diamond figured they'd rather have 10 extra copies of rex mundi instead...d'oh!)
didn't pick up much at the shop, just ed's hulk book and the avengers classic with that SWEET art adams wonder man cover. (and be sure to check back here or todd's blog on friday to see art's AMAZING cover for 'haps 1... still can't believe how amazing it is... ) i was telling todd earlier today that avengers 9 was the first "expensive" back issue i ever bought growing up (and come to think out it, probably the only one). back in the day, my pal fred and i would have our excursions to ac bookworld in fall river, ma... and since we needed a ride to get there, it was a big deal... we'd save up to pick up books (he was the x-men/alpha flight guy, i was always leaning towards the avengers)... being a big beast/wonder man fan, i was dying to read his first appearance (having read the stuff where he came back), so i saved up the then outrageous amount of $20 to buy it...
well, back to the haps!
ah, those beast/wonder man stories...
i loved 'em! i don't have the head for numbers like mark and kurt, but i loved the one where john byrne dropped in the old movie on the screen s the two of them watched--was it robin hood? man, i miss the old beast--he was fun! and not a cat...
good call, partner! love those first class pages!!
Hey Todd,
That was AVENGERS # 181 by Michelinie, Byrne and Day. And yes, that was Robin Hood;-)
AC Bookworld! Craig, I had no idea you also went there...my brother and I made trips there in the late '70s - early '80s until they closed down....I bought most of my Avengers collection there, in fact. And I spent the unbelievable amount of $25 for a 'good' graded copy of AMAZING SPIDER-MAN # 3! What was I thinking;-)
Bob Almond
Oh, almost forgot....Simon & Hank RULE!!!
I did most of my back issue shopping at Boston Comic shows where I tended to stick to my no more than a dollar rule. Consequently, Those Neal Adams Avengers and Jim Steranko Captain America's might not be in the best of shape, but I still have 'em and love 'em.
Oh, and I've already posted on the 'Haps forum, but great job on the 'Haps and looking forward to picking up your First Class.
P.S. "Dibs," is "Dibs" buddy, and no force know to man can alter or change that.
This looks like it's going to be great! Totally can't wait for your take on ole cyke! I didn't get into the back issue game until like 89-90, i am a little younger, but i don't think i ever spent more than $20 on a single issue, but i would buy long runs for more than that. i think the first series i bought from 1 and on was the new warriors. i loved nova, still do, and loved mark bagley's stuff so there ya have it, long story short.
when are the tickets on sale for the 'fight' for the art adams cover???? i got 'dibs' on front row for it!! =P
oh! and i'm currently reading the 92-ish series of wonder man, both he and vision are a pair of my faves characters as well, and jeff johnson's work, while 90's style, is great to look at!
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