created as a tie-in to the "altoonative rock for cartoon lovers" cd (their words, not mine), the comic follows the record producer and a "john smith" from the future, and the duo track down all the acts on the cd (matthew sweet, liz phair, the ramones, the violent femmes, helmet, butthole surfers, reverend horton heat, collective soul and more) and have'm record covers of saturday morning cartoon theme songs before some bad guys from the future... do something (didn't really re-read it, just flipped through it quickly)... so i can't say much about the story, but it did have some great fun art from tim sale, steve lightle, trevor von eden, steve leialoah, pat oliffe, tom morgan, rick parker, tony salmons, rick geary, chris bachalo, kieron dwyer, neil volkes, chris moeller, michael avon oeming, steve yeowell, klaus janson, steve purcell, bob fingerman, mike zeck ...and me. (kinda crazy all the talent dana moreshead lined up for this book... and then threw me in. go figure... but thanks again, dana!)
so, without further rambling, here ya go...

when pulling out this page, i found a SLEW of old sample pages and tryouts from way back... might haveta scan'm and post'm from time to time.
Cool and would love to see your time capsule stuff as well.
I think your style on that page really fits that type of subject matter and contains hints of the Rousseau yet to be.
Wow, has your style ever changed since then. But, like Brian said, you can see hints of future-Craig. (Like that first panel. Those squiggles remind me of some of your Perhapanauts designs.)
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