just a quick post, gotta keep going on these pages if i wanna take the night off thursday to go see los straitjackets ... found these 2 scans online of the sketches i did the other weekend at the screaming tiki con (amusingly enough, i met fellow artist dave aikens - who does plenty of great stuff for nickelodeon and was kind enough to send a backyardigans book home for johnny - thanks again, dave - at the show and he ended up requesting 4 of the 10 or so sketches i did that weekend for his friends and fellow collectors).. not always a fan of my convention sketches, but these came out alright (shane sent another over i'll post later this week... along with the picture of todd and me in the batmobile!)...
oh, and we have to wait HOW long for the next season of mad men?! not an earth shattering cliffhanger season finale, but a powerful character-driven episode that makes me think it's one of the best shows on tv today... just glad there's still a few episodes of the shield to get me by... and i'm just getting into the first season of pushing daisies on dvd (had it on the tivo last year but the hard drive met an untimely demise... luckily, the new season is on the even bigger new hard drive)... enjoying life on mars so far (haven't seen the bbc original so i can't compare it)... and brian, i didn't even bother with my own worst enemy based on lackluster reviews.
those sketches came out very cool craig!
They're both sweet, but that Batman really kicks it!
Craig those sketches look great. I love the two I've gotten from you in Baltimore over the past few years.
Craig those sketches look great. I love the two I've gotten from you in Baltimore over the past few years.
Awesome sketches, dude. I can't believe how fast you draw that stuff.
As for TV, before I fell behind on watching them, I was really enjoying the first few episodes of FRINGE. Can't wait to get back to them. Have you tried that yet?
They look cool. I especially like the Batman drawing.
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