well, let's just pretend i never said i was gonna try to update regularly... okay?
i've been swamped working on the 'haps and a project for friend out in california... and i'm sooo close to finishing my kitchen re-do...
that plastic man i mentioned should be up early next week... but in the meantime, here's one i did a while ago (and immediately lost the scan of... thanks esther, for the new scan!)
and a few random thoughts/ responses to blog comments...
man, earl just keeps getting better and better (and yes, randy is just a great character - LOVED the end of the "lost pilot" from the dvd - but then again, the sign that it's a great show is that all the characters are great)
i'd say the office is still firing on all cylinders (despite todd's misgivings about the ratio of funny to painful)
still haven't gotten to heroes, but hope to this weekend...
did enjoy the first robin episode of the batman last weekend...
man, next week is gonna push the tivo to the breaking point with all the good stuff on...
oh, and does anybody else see the ad for the new scorsese film (which looks fantastic) and think the voiceover should really be saying "the depahted" in a wicked southie accent...?
what i'm listening to as i type this ... straight outta lynnwood - "weird al" yankovic (it's a sign of how little mainstream radio i listen to these days that only knew one of the songs parodied... but it's still a darn funny album)