well, let's just pretend i never said i was gonna try to update regularly... okay?
i've been swamped working on the 'haps and a project for friend out in california... and i'm sooo close to finishing my kitchen re-do...
that plastic man i mentioned should be up early next week... but in the meantime, here's one i did a while ago (and immediately lost the scan of... thanks esther, for the new scan!)
and a few random thoughts/ responses to blog comments...
man, earl just keeps getting better and better (and yes, randy is just a great character - LOVED the end of the "lost pilot" from the dvd - but then again, the sign that it's a great show is that all the characters are great)
i'd say the office is still firing on all cylinders (despite todd's misgivings about the ratio of funny to painful)
still haven't gotten to heroes, but hope to this weekend...
did enjoy the first robin episode of the batman last weekend...
man, next week is gonna push the tivo to the breaking point with all the good stuff on...
oh, and does anybody else see the ad for the new scorsese film (which looks fantastic) and think the voiceover should really be saying "the depahted" in a wicked southie accent...?
what i'm listening to as i type this ... straight outta lynnwood - "weird al" yankovic (it's a sign of how little mainstream radio i listen to these days that only knew one of the songs parodied... but it's still a darn funny album)
Hey Craig,
I think I've seen this one before in Esther's gallery. She is ovbiously a woman of intelligence and good taste.
As for the depahted, I arranged for them to use the back entrance to the Edward Brooke Courthouse as the entrance for the building in which Leonardo's character's female psychiatrist friend works so I got to hang out a little on the set and watch Leo and the actress - didn't recognize her name, but she sure was pretty - walk back and forth a few times while Scorsese decided just how he wanted the scene to look.
As for Heroes, you should definitely give it a look.
I watched the US premiere of Doctor Who season 2 tonight. Well, just the Christmas special, not the actual first season 2 episode... I can't handle too much of this show at once. I tend to enjoy it, but at other times I get frustrated with its barely-adequate production values. At least it doesn't take itself too seriously...
Anyway, Battlestar Galactica next weekend. But I think the show lost me with the finale last season. The changes didn't feel organic to me. I'm sure they'll somehow get back into space and start looking for Earth again at some point, but it seems like that will probably be even less convincing than the one-year jump...
But with the Stargates over, that's all I'm left with... And, just to prove I can complain about even my favorites, can anyone tell me if ANYTHING gravely important hampened over the entire half-season of SG-1 that just ended? Just wondering... I watched them all, but they didn't really leave much impact...
If I'm not complainin', then I'm not happy...!
- Bill
Heroes.. good stuff..so far. I'd like to see where they are going with it. Doctor Who was good, fun stuff. Can't complain too much, so I won't.
Batman and Catwoman look bat-tastic Craig. I need to save me some dough and order a drawing.
Don't fret about not updating regularly. We take what we can get.
Season Premiere of LOST kicked arse. I had started to get on the fence with this one, but as Al Pachino once said, "Just when you think you're out, they pull you back in." I'm hooked all over again.
TV Update.
Apparantly most folks agreed with me and CBS already has pulled the plug on Smith.
10/11/06 Episode of Lost: Funniest and least expected use of the 2004 Red Sox World Series Victory ever.
well, it WOULD have been unexpected... if i had watched the episode before reading this...
but i bet it'll be good.
when i watch it.
Sorry about that chief,
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