okay, so the whole M/W/F thing might not stick, but i'll try...
another short one today (and really, the main reason the handful of you check this blog is the purty pictures, anyway... right?)
watched the premieres of earl and the office - great stuff all around! easily one of the best hours on broadcast tv these days.
(and i watched er, too... every time i think i'm gonna pass, i end up getting sucked in) haven't gotten around to watching kidnapped and smith off the tivo yet (and given brian's less than glowing review, what little interest i had in smith is dwindling)...
and couldn't help picking up the my name is earl soundtrack the other day... and it's been in heavy rotation with the new bnl double cd...
looking forward to checking out heroes this week (and then lost comes back the following week.....woo.)
don't know how many of you folks are here in the bay state, but if you are, i hope you get a chance to catch christy mihos' late night commercial for his bid for governor of massachusetts (due to it's frankly amusing take on big dig officials and current gov't in mass, it's run only between 10 pm and 6 am... saw it on the news after er thursday...)... this is no way an endorsement of the guy, but i will say it's a funny spot.
working my way through several canson paper commissions, along with some freelance design stuff ... and of course, the next issue of the 'haps. (speaking of which , i should have some more updated photos of andrew's sweet choopie sculpt soon... it's pretty cool to have something you've created take shape like this... )...
and speaking of those canson pieces, this one's for bryan... his plastic man should be the next post... (reminds me i need to update the gallery of my site with all these... who knows, at this rate i'll have enough for volumes 2 and 3 of the color canson books... if i can sell through volume 1)...
-c (okay, not so short after all)
what i'm listening to as i type this entry...plans - death cab for cutie
That definitely is one purty picture!
As for TV, the Stargates are done for now, so that's out of the way, and I've been trying to cut down on the number of shows I watch, so I haven't really planned to watch any new stuff. Watched NCIS, which seemed rushed and less-than-thrilling for a season premiere. Survivor pulled me in, even tho' I was planning to skip it, and The Amazing Race is back in top form.
I did, however, make an effort to catch the new Legion of Super-Heroes cartoon this morning, and I really liked that one. And the premiere of The Batman right afterward was amazing as well. Legion may not be tied to the BTAS-JLU universe, but the designs are closer than they originally appeared. And The Batman featured the debut of Robin for that series, and it was incredibly well done. That series is almost completely unrecognizable from its first couple of years at this point. The desings seem smoother and the colors different. It's turning into a great show (as I'm sure I've said in the past, adding Batgirl last season really helped).
Well, I've rambled long enough...
- Bill
Craig, that is a beautiful Phoenix and to think it would be mine if my parents had only spelled my name with an i instead of a y.
As for the Earl premiere, loved it as I think that Joy is one of the best characters currently on TV. I'm hoping that they ignore the fact that she got sentenced to jail at the end of the episode as the show would not be the same without her being out and about.
You know my feelings on Smith, but I'm still waiting to check out Shark - more for Jeri Ryan than anything else - and Six Degrees - for Bridget Moynahan as we must support Tom Brady's main squeeze.
Man, I just saw that Mihos commercial during the 10 o'clock news... That's funny stuff, right there...
- Bill
...and after you watch Christy Mihos' laugh-able commercial, then you can be delighted to Lt. Gov Healey whining about PatriotMajority and their hachet job commercials that she demands to know who the sponsors are...
Anyway CR, check out Hereoes, it's worth it and also try and catch Jerico. I'm not a huge Skeet fan, but the cast is awesome including a little cutie who was on Birds of Prey...
LOST next week, Survivor still throwing us a loop each week, Dr Who coming back this week and Battlestar next week...get the VCR rolling!
Just watched the second My Name is Earl episode of the season and I stand corrected. Joy in prison is even funnier than Joy on the loose. All I can say is that the second episode had me too jumping for Joy, I mean Earl.
P.S. Don't know how I blew this one, but I thought this was the month to pre-order Issue 2 of the new mini, instead it was issue 3. I've asked the boys at my LCBS to try and order me a few extra copies of Issue 2, so keep your fingers crossed for m.
Just watched the second My Name is Earl episode of the season and I stand corrected. Joy in prison is even funnier than Joy on the loose. All I can say is that the second episode had me too jumping for Joy, I mean Earl.
P.S. Don't know how I blew this one, but I thought this was the month to pre-order Issue 2 of the new mini, instead it was issue 3. I've asked the boys at my LCBS to try and order me a few extra copies of Issue 2, so keep your fingers crossed for m.
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