even with looming deadlines and more than a few commissions to get through (fyi - gambit, mary marvel, domino, jack sparrow, gwen stacy are all coming soon... well, relatively soon), sometimes i just wanna do something for the simple reason that i want to...
one of my favorite dc books of the last several years (which was cancelled WAY too soon, alas) was stars and stripes (written by geoff johns with fantastic art by lee moder)... great fun all around. courtney (star spangled kid... or is it star girl now?) went on to become a member of the jsa, so at least she's still around...
and onto other things...
-response to perhapanauts - second chances #1 has been good... and i think it only gets better (not just because of a certain security team member in issue 2...)
-already lining up some great talented folks for pin ups in the next trade... just wait!
-should be getting the finished choopie sculpt soon (then it's on to casting a few copies so i can share the fun)
-patriots just steamrolled over minnesota last night (although there were some calls in their favor, the pats clearly were gonna dominate)
-heroes continues to be a fun ride as the story unfolds (stupid tivo cut off the last minutes....d'oh! and was anybody really surprised by the twist with the neighbor? i've been waiting weeks for that to happen...)
-hellboy cartoon on cartoon network was hellafun (again, stupid tivo- or more likely the networks - cut off the beginning)... loved a lot about it, thought it looked fantastic for a tv animation budget... i'm sure it'll flow better on dvd (coming in feb 07) without all of cn's seemingly arbitrary commercial breaks...
-been rewatching the second season of the office on dvd...just gets better (and more painful)... and some of the deleted scenes are priceless... they really spotlight some of my favorite characters like creed and toby (by FAR my favorite character on the show, hands down)
-had a fun time at the halloween party this weekend with all the kids (and reff as otto, of course) in costume...funny how our parties have changed in the last few years...
well, i'm sure there's more, but i gotsta get back to work... plenty to do before the baby arrives.
(what i'm listening to as i type this... achtung baby -u2)
Nice SSK. I always enjoyed the character design and the art, but I seem to be a minority of one when it comes to Geoff Johns' writing. It really does nothing for me. Makes reading anything from DC problematic for me... ;)
True story: I was critical of the series on the old newsgroups back in the day, and Geoff e-mailed me to say he was sorry he was losing me as a reader. I felt even worse when I read the piece by him explaining that Courtney is based on his sister who was killed in the TWA Flight 800 crash...
Haven't read Second Chances #1 yet. Just got it with my monthly mail order shipment today. It's somewhere near the top of the pile. I won't tell you what's before it, because I wouldn't want to hurt anyone's feelings or embarrass myself by saying something like "Carlo's art on Justice League Unlimited #26 was awesome!" or "Forbush Man?!?"
Nice to see a certain character is still on your list for "relatively soon". I can't wait.
And, what? Nothing about Battlestar this week. Even tho' I didn't enjoy the New Caprica storyline that much, I still think they hit the old Cosmic Reset Button on everything much too quickly.
Talk to you later,
- Bill
hey, thanks, ray -
haven't caught the gene simmons show yet, i'll set the tivo and giye it a try.
oh, your book's on the short list, bill (after thaking YEARS for ray's book, this'll be a blink of an eye in comparison)...
to be honest, stars and s.t.r.i.p.e.s. is one of the few books by johns that i enjoyed... most of his currnet dc stuff leaves me cold.
wow, can't believe i skipped bsg - if it were any other show, i might agree about the "reset" button, but i think this is going to push the story (and characters) to places we wouldn't have seen... and dealing with the afermath won't be pretty.
Nice avatar!
Read Second Chances #1 this afternoon. Very nice work. I like the way it builds off the last series, while at the same time seeming much denser, storywise. Enjoyed the focus on Big, especially. The little glimpse into the future of the team was great, too.
- B
Hi Craig,
Good luck today and thanks for the chuckle and the just for fun sketch.
Now on to the less important stuff. I had the same Tivo problem with Heroes, but the good thing is you can see what you missed - it wasn't much, but worth giving a peek - on line at NBC.com as they not only have the most recent episode on line for free, but it's in segements and all that got cut off is in the last segment.
As for other TV, there could be bad news for Studio 60. I read a little blurb on line that it was going to get the axe. Hope that's not true.
Hey Craig,
Bill Nolan pointed me over here. By any chance, is that Gwen mentioned above the one I emailed you about? Or could it be for someone else?
I have to catch up of my Heroes from this week, hope I have the ending!
Is that what my Stargirl is gonna look like? Woo! Heroes was a slow build for me (fell asleep during the first episode), but now i'm hooked. So, do you think they'll resolve NY blowin' up in the first season, or will it get drug out way too long?
hey, brian -
thanks, i'll try and check out nbc when i get the chance before next week... and i did read that rumour about studio 60 ... we'll see (didn't help that friday night lights did better in that slot this week)...
why, yes, steve, yes it it is...
and lou, i was thinking yours is gonna be a bit more action-y ... and color-y. (heroes - i hope they do get through the nyc story, but we'll see... the plot is certainly moving along)
Just watched last nights BSG. It was good, but I thought it was basically season 1 again. They didn't even bother to reset to the season 2 status quo, they went all the way back on a lot of the characters!
Still a fun ride, tho', even if it felt like a repeat.
- Bill
Just realized the Kim Dickens, who played Joanie Stubbs on Deadwood, was Cassidy, the woman who sent Sawyer to prison and who visted him to tell him he had a daughter.
I've been toying with the idea of requesting a Joanie Stubbs commission, but now that she's been on two of my favorite shows, I'll have to get a request in when things calm down a little.
Speaking of things calming down, tonights the last new Lost until next February when they will start on 16 weeks of new episodes. From what I read in USA Today, sounds like we'll be getting a lot of Jack and Juliet tonight.
hey, bill - really? i thought there's a LOT of stuff brewing because of the caprica situation which affected everybody... we'll see how things go from here, i suppose...
brian - yeah, i was gonna correct you, but never got around to it (always enjoyed her work - she also recently showed up on cbs' numb3rs - fairly mindless fun while working on a friday night - and was a regular years ago on ed o'neill's big apple cop show... )
deadwood sketches/commissions... hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm.
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