... and it's barely begun. how 'bout that? (yeah, i'm talking to YOU, nolan)
work's been crazy busy, what with that dc licensing job and the fourth issue of the 'haps (which will be out JUST in time for the big nyc show... if you're there, stop by and tell us if ya dug it... or better yet, buy it from us)...
the third issue of "second chances" came out this week, and both todd and i agree it's the best yet...
don't have much new art to post, really... but here's a quick sketch i did of turok (tad stones, who's working on the new cartoon, asked me to submit a few designs... they went with somebody else... which is alright with me, 'cause clearly i've been swamped as it is...)
since tv has been in mostly re-runs for the holiday season, while working i ended up watching the entire run of arrested development over the course of a week or so... some of the funniest stuff in years, even better the second time around.
well, here's to a happy and healthy 07 for everybody out there!
I'm never getting my sketchbook back now, am I?
And yeah, you know TVs hit the skids when it's Friday night and all you can manage to find to watch is "1 vs. 100"... The History Channel has been pretty much it for me lately, plus repeats of "How I Met Your Mother," which I never actually watch regularly.
Other than that, I get to watch a whole lot of "Thomas the Tank Engine," which is my 3-year-old's new favorite show. I actually think the show is hilarious, especially the first season boxed set and the movie with Alec Baldwin. All of a sudden there are also all these cool little die-cast metal trains all over the house. I'm transfering my addictive collecting habits onto my children...
A TUROK cartoon!! Awesome!!
Sweet Turok Craig and good to know that we'll - what's with the we Kimosabbe - have all four issues of the second mini as well as the trade of the first mini to "pimp" at the show.
As for TV, there wer new episodes of Ugly Betty, Earl, Scrubs and 30 Rock this week, so it's not a total wasteland.
P.S. The idea of a photo op with one of the members of the C.R.I.C.K.E.T. Unit to lure folks over to the booth was brilliant, though I hear that battle armor can get awfully hot. The things I do for the 'Haps.
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