and the third (and last for now, deadlines are tight for a bit) marvel treasury cover redo is thor... man, i LOVE drawing thor (i'd say the simonson run left a BIG impression on me.... this is a "romita by way of simonson" homage)... back to work.
(took the time this weekend while working to watch a good chunk of flash forward that's been piling up on the tivo since i recorded the premiere... intriguing enough, hope they can at least resolve it all f they don't get renewed next year)
Man, I loved those shots of Thor flying away from Asgard over the rainbow bridge. Thanks for bringing a smile to my face.
Great job on that Thor!
I'm really enjoying FLASHFORWARD. Not sure why it's not a hit. It's got a great cast and some great suspense. And LOST is really getting good. Man, I'm going to miss that show next year.
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