okay, so i haven't quit yet, so that's something...
lessee, what to ramble on about...
wrapped up 'haps issue 4 (out in a few weeks... really the best one yet) and most of the work on the 'haps trade a few weeks ago (still coloring the "fiepick" story from the b/w ashcan book)... we've got a great list of folks who're doing pin-ups for the book (woo-hoo! luckily, we were able to get some of our favorite artists and good friends on board) ... we'll post more info about it when it gets closer to publication in august) ...
not sure what'll happen with the 'haps after this series and trade - honestly, it all depends on sales... (so make sure to buy a copy or two this summer!) we'd love to do more (and get to all those stories we hint at in the first four issues)
right now i'm crazy busy with the newest beckett project "the cobbler's monster"... 30 odd pages down, 70 more to go.. wayne and i are trying new things here and i think it's our best collaboration yet...
finally got some commissions done that i had planned to get done right after the baltimore show last fall (but still owe ernie a piece dating back YEARS ... but i'm sure it'll be worth the wait)... here's one above...
work on the house has ground to a slow crawl, what with all the comic work and watching johnny... with any luck we'll get it done by the summer (and i can my studio outta the basement and see daylight again...)...
i'm sure there's more, but i'll save it for the next entry...
what i'm listening to as i type this... more noise and other disturbances - the mighty mighty bosstones
So does my Invincible canson piece count as one of those? If not, no big deal. I figure i get one piece outta ya per year. Good to see ur blogging so we can catch up on what it is that ur workin' on.
it does... kinda... i've laid it out and started inking it, just need to finish the color... should be done by the end o' the week, actually...
Hi Craig,
Looking forward to Issue 4 of the "Haps" and
since you guys have been so good about adding
"director's cut" type extras to the up coming
collection, I'll be sure to pick up a couple.
Haven't heard anything about "clobber monster,"
are there any details you can share.
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