(started this as a response to brian's comments for the last entry but realized it's make a fine entry on it's own)
... had to go back and check i didn't spell it wrong (because that sounds like an AWESOME title for a book) but it's actually " the cobbler's monster", which is another project from beckett reinvisioning two somewhat similar stories as one unique vision (this time combining story elements and themes from pinnochio and frankenstein)...
like ronin hood, this one is a straight to trade original graphic novel (weighing in at 109 story pages...) which is scheduled to debut around san diego comic con...
i'll be posting more preview pages in the near future, but this one above is a REALLY early development piece...
and hey, just wanted to thank folks for stopping by and reading this stuff ... and encourage y'all to post comments so i know i'm not wasting my time with this...
... meant to ramble on about all the great tv shows that are on the air right now, but i'll save that for another post...
still not to hip with the html code, so for the time being i'm sticking with this boring template...
music i'm listening to as i type this entry ... bowling for soup goes to the movies
Cool sketch and thanks for the information. I do like me
a little classic horror like
It will be interesting to see what elements from Pinnochio and
what elements from Frankenstein make it into the story.
hey, kojee-
doubt it (and if i do go, i'll jut be there as an eric powell fan!)...
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