... no, not that one from the 'haps, either. here's another recent commission... always glad it works out when i choose the right color canson paper to work on...
so, work is moving ahead, and commissions are moving along as well... things're good.
kinda wish this cold snap would break... or we'd at least get some snow to show for it.
there's a lull in tv for a few weeks (well, a slight lull anyway... we've still got new rome and battlestar (frak! didn't see that ending coming)... as well as 24 (here comes the rickster! i enjoyed his run on nypd, hope he lasts more than one episode)... and i can catch up on my dvds at some point (just started season 4 of penn and teller's bullsh*t with the boy scout episode... sums up my thoughts about scouts lately, which is a shame)
I intensely disliked this past week's Battlestar. Not for what happened or what didn't happen, but for how tedious I found it. I may be done with this show now... it's too hit-or-miss with me, so it's quickly losing it's designation as "appointment TV."
But the wife is still watching, so it will be on the DVR for me to check out if I want to.
Beautiful Ghost, btw. I may e-mail you soon about another commission. My wife actually expressed an interest in having something done... Gatchaman, probably. She's a bigger geek than I am.
Holy Frak they killed Starbuck! Didn't see that coming. I did read an interview with Katee Sackhoff ans she says her character is dead but didn't confirm that she was off the show. I'm guessing we're in for some flashback stuff. Nice performance by everyone and yes...the Trial of Baltar starts! Hereoes rocked but we have to wait until April 23rd for a new episode. Jericho and LOST tonight. Some good TV coming our way.
Very nice. I got to see this one in person at NYC and as they say over on ebay, the image does not do this one justice.
As for the weather, you don't have much longer to wait as Saturday it's supposed to shoot up to 50 and I think I even saw a 60 on one of the seven day forecasts.
Not too happy with the fact that the folks behind Heros decided to leave us hanging for 7 weeks with almost every character in danger, but not so unhappy that I won't tune back in. More and more the networks are adopting this strategy with their hour serial dramas. I think of it as the television version of waiting for the trade.
Speaking of Heroes, I made my room reservation at the Westin for Heroes at the con rate, but they didn't have it for Thursday night, so I'm planning on flying in early on Friday and heading straight over there. Shouldn't be too bad as I'm not planning on trying for something from any of the Adam Hughes types at the show where if you're not at the table in the first 10 minutes, you're not going to make the list.
Speaking of the Boob Tube...did anyone but us sit through BBC America;s Robin Hood on Saturday? Good show but...5 minutes of show and then 5 minutes of commercials. No kidding. I think the show probably clocke din at 30-40 minutes so they had to pad it with commercials. Kind of dissappointing. Hard to follow the story line when you have to sit through more commercials than show.
i'd have to agree about heores (and most network shows in general)... the big break betweeen sweeps is getting ridiculous (the prime example being lost... which has found it's groove again, but that break really lost momentum)... 24 did it right with a big premiere block and no repeats... and most fx and pay channel series do as as well (although waiting a year plus for some shows to come back does make it tough to even remember waht happened)...
didn't get a chance to catch robin hood (but if i do, now i know to tivo it and skip through all those commercials!)
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