had a great time at the show, sketching and talking with lots of fans and great folks like tad stones and david petersen (and meeting folks like ted mckeever, jon bogdanove, roy richardson and june brigman for the first time)...
if you read todd's blog (and why wouldn't you? http://perhapanauts.blogspot.com/ ) you've seen some of the pics we took ( love the reaction shots to the choopie butt cards... too bad we didn't get any of those rare "hmmmmph. not funny." reaction shots)... i'll try and post a few that i managed to take...
folks seemed to enjoy the perhapanauts (and seeing andrew's kick ass choopie sculpt in person) and want more... let's hope we get the opportunity to do'm...
had a great time watching saturday night live with rainn wilson (thanks again, scott! and sorry, kelly... d'oh!)
seems like i'm getting swamped with commission requests (now handled through serendipity art sales... thanks, bob!) but i'm getting back on track ... here's one (of a few) recent ones...
as far as tv goes, veronica mars goes on break on a high note - loved the last few episodes! prison break makes for a good 15 minute speed through on tivo these days while 24 continues to be a rollercoaster ride (as does heroes lately)... i wanted to really dislike the black donnelly's (since it's booted studio 60 from the schedule, but ended up enjoying it... the thursday comedy block is getting better and better (athough the office is tending to go for the outrageous behavior with michael and dwight at times, rather than just uncomfortably annoying)... rome is still amazing and lost gained some momentum back this week ...wow, good thing i work while watching tv...
Craig, what's your take on Battlestar lately? The non-Baltar bits have been boring me to tears. I even did the quick speed-thru on last Sunday's episode...
huh, must be telling i didn't mention it this time around... while i appreciate the character development these last few episodes, with no cylons or baltar, there's no real threat or urgency (and these stories are far from subtle in tackling "real world" issues)... we'll see what happens next week.
As I've said before about 30 Rock, that show is really starting to role.
As for its NBC soulmate, Studio 60, I take it as a good sign that they didn't replace it during the sweeps period and I hear that it will be back in a few weeks.
I also read that the Black Donnellys are on a short leash and that how it is doing in the ratings by its third week will decide its fate. Its opening night ratings were only so, so. I taped it, but haven't had a chance to watch it yet as I'm a little behind in my TV viewing.
As for Prison Break, 1st and foremost, good to see T-Bag back in form, I was getting a little worried that everyone's favorite psycho was going soft on us. As for where the story is headed, I'm a little disappointed about the tape not being usable in court, but I guess I should have known that it couldn't be that easy.
In regard to Battlestar, I figured you guys had started to cool on it when I didn't see either of you rushing into the hall for the BSG presentation as I was leaving after the Buffy talk.
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