okay, so that was a pretty interesting season finale of battlestar galactica (no spoilers in case you tivoed it) the other night (which leaves us with a LOT of questions)...but 2008?! damn. (that's long enough for me to forget most of the little stuff... heck, i can't remember most of the last season of the sopranos... or the shield, both of return real soon...)
thoroughly sad to see rome go, but it went out in style (man, once deadwood wraps up later this year after the sopranos, why keep hbo? bad enough i can't turn on one of the six(!) hbo channels without catching a star wars movie...)
watched the first episode of "this american life" on-line (over at the showtime site) and wish i was able to watch it every week (i love listening on npr), a strong first outing...
looks like i'll be getting through a good chunk of commissions soon, since work has slowed down... here's another one for hitoshi! (looking back through'm all, wonder woman is coming in third behind batman and batgirl as most requested... and well ahead of dazzler... and mento)
decided to go through the list of monthly (well, what should be monthly) comics i get at the local shop and really cut back... every week i bring home a handful of books and really only enjoy 1 or 2 (heck, most i get for the art these days...) ... after talking with a few folks (some who read this very blog...), i know i'm not the only one...
what im listening to as i type this... arcade fire - neon bible (after seeing 'm live at saturday night live last month - and not being overly impressed, i gotta say - i figured i'd try out the cd... and it's growing on me... gotta love emusic!)
Going through your gallery, I don't know if I could pick a favorite character you've done, so I find it kind of surprising that the ones you listed are the most requested. My personal favs in your gallery are the Death, Flash, Green Arrow, and Green Lantern ones, but those last 3 are my favorite visually anyways right now.
Thanks for dropping me an email, I look forward to the Gwen. I can't wait to see how she turns out!
IMHO, that's your best canson wonder woman so far. Once again Hitoshi is in the right place at the right time.
As for current comics, after talking with you on Sunday at the Boston Show, I sat down with the monthly list and found that I'm down to ten weekly books (I get 100 Bullets, Invincible, The Goon and True Story Swear to God in trade) and that of those, I think there are only four that I wouldn't drop if the current artist left the book and of those four, only two are a must read as soon as I get home. That said, I do really enjoy the books I get in Trade, but I started reading them like that and decided to stick to that format.
What this market needs is an ongoing Perhapanauts series. (N.B. And that's even after being dumped as the Heroes Con Perhapanauts Booth Boy)
P.S. See any good flight deals for Charlotte yet.
RE: Charlotte flights
I haven't found anything for less than around $300 roundtrip. That's not horrible, but it's more expensive than last year by quite a bit. On the other hand, that's out of Manchester, so I'll be paying much less for parking...
As for BSG, I'm just happy this season is over. It bugged me quite a bit... but I watched every episode, so they must know what they're doing. The very last shot at the end put a smile on my face.
TV Update:
Carol Ann and I have now seen the first three episodes of Andy Barker, P.I. and are really enjoying it. I think its the perfect vehicle for Andy and that he and Clea Lewis, the gal who plays his wife, have great chemistry.
Unfortunately, it was up against a new CSI this week with only a repeat of The Office as a lead in and took a beating in the ratings.
I hope NBC realizes it has a quality show on its hands and hangs in there with this show.
OK, this is the first time I've really watched 24 for a whole season... do they normally throw something as ridiculous as Rain Man in there every year? Wow, those scenes made the ones with the President's sister seem Emmy-worthy.
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