okay, so esther asked me for a silver age catwoman and went so far as to send me images for reference... which i glanced at quickly and went ahead and did the piece... not realizing i changed the boots to the golden age costume. not wanting to be trouble, she pointed it out and said she'd take it anyway... but heck, the customer is right (and i clearly wasn't) so i did a new one... luckily, she digs it (and the other one found a home in hitoshi's collection, so it's all good!)

and for folks who've read mike wieringo's blog about his feeling a lack of confidence in his work (or a place in the industry), it's kinda telling how many of his peers (and friends) express the very same feelings... myself most definitely included. i think going to conventions and seeing other artists' work can be motivating... and humbling... and downright depressing when i think about how my stuff compares... heck, i get that feeling almost every week looking through new books at the comic shop.
just read that drive got the boot from fox... (heck, i still haven't gotten to watching the first few on tivo... oh well)
Man, I thought the first one was great when I saw it online before, but the second one is just about the best canson piece from you I've ever seen. Wow!
I thought I recognized the cats in that first one from an earlier Canson piece you did for Esther.
Both are great, but the second one is "dead sexy."
As for Drive, I'm not surprised given its ratings. as I commented before, I really liked the story line of Nathon Fillion's character, Tully, but the rest of it was pretty ho, hum.
1st... crap, I really liked Drive.
2nd... awesome Catwomen (cause there's 2, I made it plural!)
3rd... before I read Mike's blog, I figured it was just me. I'd see all these really awesome guys, and think, man I don't fit in here at all (not that I'm up to snuff yet, still workin' on it, but I felt miles away) And I'd always get down on myself for being "cartoony" and he was one of the guys I'd look to and say "Mike's kinda cartoony, and he's working, and people love him, so there must be room in this industry for cartoony stuff."
I hope the repsonces made him feel better. I know reading that he's insecure made me feel a little better... and Craig, you're awesome, my hero, so IMHO you should be workin' on a monthly Avengers title! Come on, let's bring back the West Coast Avengers and have Craig and Todd do it!!!
If you want to get REALLY technical, it's the Bronze Age Catwoman. The Silver Age looked identical to the Golden Age, except for the color of the boots. After the TV-green version and the wacky red/blue garb with tail and silver buckles, came the Bronze Age version: cleavage, skirt slit to the hip, and calf-high boots.
If you want to get technical...
About Drive, it's definitely a blink-and-you'll-miss-it wave of shows on Fox. That's what you get when you've only got one show in the top ten and you milk it for what you got...
it's funny to me how the topics of both mike's blog (and his inherant inability to see his worth or place in the comic scheme of things...) and drive ended up in the same blog.
craig, you ARE drive! or firefly! or wonderfalls! or whatever...look at this industry (i say, including comics in with the rest of the entertainment industry) it's become so business that these bastards don't even know good when they see it! they IGNORE or CANCEL quality! they're all so busy looking at numbers that the beauty and talent is completely overlooked! bastards!
craig, i've said it a million times; you are one of the most versatile artists in the industry. your style is so inviting! you're ability to shift moods and genres is incredible! your storytelling is awesome! i love working with you and i LOVE looking at your artwork!
but also, i'm your best friend, so i guess that stuff doesn't mean jack...
you're firefly! you're drive!
you'll seel well on dvd...
What Todd said, except for the thing about being you best friend as . . . sniff, sniff . . . Todd beat me out for that position.
Group hug!
Craig, not only are you Drive and Firefly, you're also Misfits of Science! I'm so serious when I say you're my hero, like Todd said, you're super versatile, and unique. I can't say enough good about you or Mike, and I don't even know him.
You guys rock!
Heck I feel inadequate as talent goes evertime I check out your Blog or Mike's..and I'm not even an "industry" guy...I'm an everyday art grunt.
But anyway.
I love your stuff. My son loves the Spidey he got sketched over at Stillpoint Comics that time you were there. Was it Free Comic Book Day?
I really didn't expect Drive to go anywhere when I saw the commercials. (Ha made a pun and didn't even know it.)
Gorgeous Catwoman illo's, Craig! You truly are one talented cat!
Awesome Catwoman pics. I just discovered your page because I did a google search for the Silver Age Catwoman (and I pretty much think of this version of Catwoman as the Silver Age version, as does DC Direct who released a figurine of this version as their Silver Age version). I love most of the versions of Catwoman but I'm especially fond of the Silver Age which has been underused for quite some time. Of the two versions you show the first one is my favorite. The colors pop out more and the design of the characters is great. The second one is quite dynamic and is really coming out at you but stylistically I just think the first one is awesome! The graphic elements are great, I love the shading in the cape in that one which really create a dimensional effect.
Anyway, cheers!
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