not last night...or many times this season, so far. funny how as fans we can complain about a team that's still seven games ahead of the second place team, but clearly they're not playing like a first place team right now...
plenty of time to turn things around... or crash and burn completely. we'll see.
so, anyway, enough baseball ramblings... here's hellboy and a little pig dude. (man, that book looks so amazing... i can't get enough of duncan's stuff)

It is the nature of the Red Sox fan to worry. That said, I'd rather be 7 (7.5 as I type this as the Yanks lost to Toronto today) games up than 7 games down and, despite going 20 and 23 over the last 43, they still have one of the best records in baseball.
I'm betting that if Schill can come back strong that this team will respond and go on a pretty good run. Also, wouldn't hurt for Theo to pick-up a 4th outfielder with a good glove and some speed, because putting Willy Mo out there, like they are doing tonight, scares me.
Great Hellboy by the way.
Hey Craig the hellboy looks great!!!Question...what's your schedule or where are you going to be at the SDCC?
ugh, another weak outing last night for boston... oh, well.
and sadly, this year i won't be heading out to san diego... hopefully next year.
Unfortunately, it looks like Dice-K is trying to learn english from old TV commercials because he let his "fingers do the walking" last night.
Still a seven game lead, but the boys need a little something to shake them out of this .500 funk they've been in for the last two months.
I say put J.D. on the DL so that he can get proper rest for his legs and bring up Elsbury to ad a little spark and excitment to the line-up.
Well look at that. We beat the White Sox 2 in a row and high run count. Maybe the boys have it figured out. Let's see what they do today to support Tim Wakefield.
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