so, it's official...
the 'haps are packing up and moving to image! it's been in the works for a while, but now the word is out. we'l lbe relaunching the book in deb 07 with an extra-sized annual then going to a new series in april... and the skies the limit!
if you haven't found it, there's a forum over on the image boards where todd and plan to hang out and post, so come on by...
here's an early mock-up of the cover for the annual (by me, not the SWEET variant by MIKE ALLRED! i bet todd'll post that one)...

we're hoping the book'll find it's audence with image and we'll be able to work on the book til we're old(er) and gray(er)...
oh, and happy halloween! (and happy day before bithday to our little cat!)
Best of luck at you new home. Hope it's nothing but smooth sailing from here on out.
Cool Beans!
Great news, looking forward to seeing what else you guys have to show us.
That's great. I'll be on the look out for it.
Always good to hear that there's more 'haps on the way.
You guys rock.
That's great for you guys! Good Luck!
Congrats, Craig. Looking forward to new 'Haps adventures at your new publishing home.
First the Red Sox win the World Series and now this. Can life get any better.
P.S. The answer to that is yes, a Pat's win in Indy on Sunday.
The cover looks fantastic. I'm really excited for you guys. I can't wait to see the series.
C! This is awesome, so glad to hear it. Congrats!! You guys totally deserve to be able to put more of this great series out. Look forward to it and the covers look fantastic!!!
I was right, life is better after a 24 to 20 win over the Colts.
Neat-o! Looking forward to the release.
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