taking a break from work yesterday i was invited to give a talk to umass dartmouth's senior illustration class... (which was a good time and i enjoyed lunch with jean francois allaux, talking shop and the state of art today)
and in getting all my stuff together, i came across pieces from my senior year and figured i'd post an example...
as part of a series of illustrations for a children's book about american tall tales, this was the first one, featuring pecos bill...
(a far cry from the stuff i'm doing for a living these days, these were fun exercises flexing my painting muscles...) ... since i was having fun with it, over the next few years i ended up doing 4 more, and a buncha b/w spot illustration spot go with'm... (when i get around to scannin'm i'll post a few more)... funny that all through college i wasn't sure that i wanted to draw comics (although i read'm and loved'm) and thought i might end up doing "real" illustration... go figure.
anywhoo, back to the cobbler's monster.
music i'm listening to as i type this entry ... american idiot - green day
see, it's been so long your memories playing trick... i never did "babe", just paul bunyan... i'll get around to posting that at some point (scanning these is tricky with all the glazing... and the water damage from being in the flooded studio has warpedm good)
Funny how the memory can play tricks on you. Dave, I'd be willing to bet that you actually
had a mental image of Craig's
"rendition" of Babe the Blue Ox.
yeah, and that mental image is probably better than the real piece...
kinda like remembering "batle of the planets" being the coolest cartoon EVER... then actually watching it again years later.
Damn, you were in the neighborhood and I didn't know?
(Happened across my signed copy of Impulse the other day, said 'Yo, what is that Craig lad doing these days?', looked up your site. The intarweb is a rocking thing.)
(Also had to look up my old blog in order to log in here and comment. I apparently lasted...7 entries?)
craig--already told you on the phone how much i dug this! loves the colors and the shapes and the details that make it so magical! it really stuck in my mind and so i have now printed it out and hung it up in front of me! sweet! and, dave, it made ME dig out MY old portfolio from high school and college and get all inspired and such. where's YOURS? : )
hey, rob- how's things?!
yup, was in scenic north dartmouth at good ol' smu (do'h... umass dartmouth)... ahhh, the good ol' days of the torch and campus design.... only living about 20 minutes down the road these days...
Things are okay here. I'm currently moving my entire website over to another server. That should be done by, oh, 20whenever.
I don't envy you the experience of reading All-Star Batman and Robin, dude. What the HELL has happened to Miller?!? And right after the Sin City movie kicked mighty ass, too. I was kinda hoping DK2 was his screw-you to everyone who wanted him to just do Dark Knight Returns all over again, but apparently...uh...he really does suck now. 'I'm the goddamn Batman.' Oh man, that hurt.
haven't checked out the review in a while, rob... still going strong i see...
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