here's yet another canson paper piece... wasn't sure which miss marvel costume to go with, but figured i'd go with the new one...
finished up the latest project i've been working on (at least for the time being) so i'm diving head first into getting through a slew of commissions... and trying to drum up more work (and keep working on the next new project todd and i wanna get off the ground... not to mention get a head start on the next 'haps series)...
man, is that new fountains of wayne cd good stuff!
and on the tv front, the shield came back as good as ever last night (took a few minutes to remember everything that happened last year, but... )... damn, it's gonna get ugly.
and i doubt we'll see more than the six episodes of andy barker, pi that were filmed... and that's a shame. (head on over to nbc.com to watch'm all... the "fairway my lovely" episode had some brilliant stuff in it)
First and foremost, while the original Ms. Marvel costume would have gone well with the red paper, I much prefer the black costume with the cool lightning bolt.
Second, "head start on the next 'haps series" Wooo Hooo!, that's music to this unemployed booth boys ears. Also, can't wait till you can clue us in on what this other Todd and Craig project is.
As for the TV, too bad about Andy Barker, P.I. Unfortunately it looks like someone at the network didn't have a lot of faith in the show given its time slot opposite CSI and the fact that its lead in was usually a repeat. As for "fairway my lovely," I laughed every single time at that running scene.
TV Update:
NBC just announced that it is picking up "30 Rock" for next year.
Man, I wish it just rained here. I spent the last 18 hours sick in bed, only to have to wake up to shovel 5-6 inches of the stickiest, heaviest snow we've had all year. Sore and tired, I felt like a 90-year-old man pushing the snow a couple of inches at a time. I'm broken... At least I haven't vomited in over 12 hours... :P
Beautiful Ms. Marvel, by the way. While part of me likes here original Capt. Marvel-inspired costume, I'm also a fan of this one.
TV Update, Part II.
NBC will air the last two episodes of Andy Baker, P.I., but are moving them to Saturday. Not a good sign for a show already plagued by undeserved low ratings.
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